Perfect Submission
The Art of War has its source in intimidation, fear, vengeance, and lust for control. You “kill or be killed” were the words of a great military soldier. The Art of War pits you against the fiercest opponent challenging you to overcome or to be overwhelmed and subdued, or defeated. There is a feeling of terror roaring inside your soul, and you must apply specialized techniques to take mastery over your enemy and totally obliterate or crush that enemy. That enemy stands right in front of your eyes, and physical action must be taken to preserve your physical existence.
Spiritual warfare is a battle going on in the unseen world. Your objective is to preserve your soul—the real part of you which, as discussed earlier, can never be altered because it is made in the image of our Creator. The enemy facing you in spiritual warfare uses the tactics of the Art of War to overpower you with intimidation (the problem you face is so big, you fall), fear (you begin to doubt the power of the image of God in you so that you fall), vengeance (your fear turns to bitterness and hatred causing you to fall), and lust for control (the “tit for tat” by any means necessary mindset leads you to fall).
Falling means failing in the Art of War. When a problem seems too big for you to handle, you must decide: “Will I give up and let this problem control my life?” or “Will I tap into my Source of Power?” A sickness can be a problem. Financial weakness or lack of money can be a problem. Social acceptance (being liked by your peers) can be a problem. A dysfunctional family can be a problem. A lifestyle wracked by an inferiority complex (lack of self-love) leads to falling to the usage alcohol, hard drugs, gender confusion, ignorance, and varying degrees of self-hatred and hatred and distrust of every person who comes into your life. The enemy wields the weapon of fear to attack your thoughts making you doubt in your power to win. The enemy makes you feel like you must fight with the same tactics in order to win each battle that crops up in your life.
Submission means winning in the Art of Love. When you decide to tap into your Source of Power, you have made an active decision to submit to the One who is all-powerful, or omnipotent. Submission is not weakness. Submission is allowing the flow of God’s power to control all events in your life. “Submission and humility are the same. It is lowering yourself to an authority, obeying whatever the authority says,” were the words of a great teen-age girl.
Submitting to the greatest power in the universe is to become one with your Creator. God created the heavens and earth and every man and woman, boy and girl on earth. Humility fills you with divine wisdom and understanding (cancelling all ignorance) which makes clear how God is our Father, His Word becoming flesh is His Son, and He is Spirit, holy and pure without blemish and void of any darkness. What is more powerful, darkness or light? Of course, light overcomes darkness. Turn on a torch in a dark room, and darkness vanishes. In the same way, when you tap into your Source of Power, you tap into the God who spoke, “Let there be light . . . .” because He is light.
Intimidation, fear, vengeance and lust are all forms of darkness used in the Art of War. The battles we face in life are not physical, though often we can see them, or hear them, or taste, touch and even smell them. They generate from a spiritual source of darkness. But when brought into the light and attacked by weapons from the Source of Light, the battles are won and the troubles are done. Your pain is over, and you are free to move on in the power to overcome intimidation, in strength to move past fear, in wisdom to apply love instead of hateful vengeance, and in Spirit to quench the thirst for lust of control with perfect submission to trust our Creator to perfect everything that concerns you: The Lord will perfect that which concerns me; Your mercy, O Lord, endures forever; Do no forsake the works of Your hands (Psalm 138:8).
Jesus is real. He is not what the world has made Him to appear. To see who Jesus really is, you must have a humble heart. You must come to know Him with a submissive soul. Stop believing what the enemy portrays Jesus to be and dare to find out who He is for yourself. When you change your fighting tactics, you will grow in the Art of Love. The Art of Love is rooted in a strong friendship with Jesus. He is the light which overcomes all darkness.
Let’s pray:
"My Father in heaven, Creator of all things, I come before You with a humble heart and submissive soul. I believe you do exist; that You came to earth in a human body like mine; that You died for me to take away my sins (anything that was against Your perfect plan for my life); and that you resurrected and are in heaven watching over me. I am so sorry for the things I have thought, said and done that were not in obedience to Your word. Come into my heart. I need You to take over my life as my Lord and Savior. Amen (it is done)."
You have spoken this prayer by faith, believing in what you cannot see physically but knowing in your soul to be true. Your life will experience a positive turnaround. Please seek a Bible-believing and doing church family; and begin reading the Book of John. You must read for yourself in order to make Jesus your personal best friend.
Have any questions? Please contact us by clicking on the chat button below. Let’s talk. We are here for you because you are important to us.
© 2022 by Patience Osei-Anyamesem. All rights reserved. Published by The Light In Me Enterprise. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means—electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording, or any other—without the prior written permission of the publisher. The only exception is brief quotations in printed reviews or other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.
Unless otherwise stated, all scripture quotations are from The New King James Version. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
To all men and women in the military who face combat in order to protect us so that we may live in peace, we salute you!