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Writer's picturethelightinmeent

Catch The Dream! Back-To-School Initiative

There comes a time in life when you feel, “It’s o.k. to move; to take a step, or even a jog, toward reaching your dream.” Dreams are real to those who believe in them. I am definitely a dreamer—a big-vision somebody who wants to heal the world.

Every individual is blessed with capabilities—the enablement to do something good with what’s inside him or her. Some folks have the artist abilities, other the statistical acumen, still others the organizational, event planning, and administrative agility. Some can sing, or make us laugh or cry hysterically. And many have the capacity to bring large groups together for a common cause to change society for the better.

It’s up to each one of us to decide: “How can I pursue my dream and catch it?” Well, my dream is to provide quality instructional materials to young people in Africa where English is often their second or third (sometimes fourth!) language. I want to put a publication by The Light In Me Enterprise into every hand and heart of a child or teen.

I can do this with your help. So I decided to write this proposal and take a leap toward catching my dream. It’s all written in the Back-To-School Initiative attached. Partner with The Light In Me Enterprise; and together change a life of illiteracy to one of English reading, writing, and speaking with fluency, one young learner—one great mind—at a time.

After reading, contact me at or; or on Facebook @thelightliftedup; LinkedIn or Twitter (@thelightinmeen2) and Instagram (@lifteduptoshine).

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