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A new born baby is washed with a ritual bath for the first six months of his or her life on earth in Ghanaian culture. Firstly, hot water is prepared sometimes mixed with herbs and gently poured over the crown of the head. This helps in healing the wounds in the skull as the bones are taking form. Then the genitals are thoroughly drenched by the pouring of water on them as the mother, or grandmother, ensures proper hygiene for these precious parts. The baby is scrubbed in soap first on the front side, then turned over on the belly to get the back and buttocks buffed while the arm and leg muscles are massaged and stretched to give the body strength and a beautiful shape.
This bathing ritual is done in the morning hours and just before bedtime at night for thirty minutes to an hour’s time. The baby is then dried and covered with sweet-scented oils, hair is brushed, and he or she is dressed in the cutest baby gear imaginable. The mothers are satisfied, and the fathers are content. Their baby is being groomed and prepared for successful physical life, and after the six months, when he or she is able to sit up or walk on his or her own, they can bathe in a tub or standing up.

As flesh bears flesh, so too does the Spirit of God bear His own children by His Spirit (John 3:6). And just as the human body is born of blood and water and is bathed in this ritual cleaning application, so too, must the newly born in the Spirit. It is by the blood of Jesus and the water of the Holy Spirit (Ephesians 5:26; Titus 3:5) that a “baby soul” must be bathed in Christian doctrine, in God’s holy word, for a period of time, every day, until he or she is able to stand up and follow Jesus never turning back.
What is that “bridge” between the unbelieving unto belief in Jesus Christ all about? It is that split second in time after hearing the gospel of Jesus Christ and His call for repentance and forgiveness of sin, that the conscience makes a choice, or responds to the call. Your conscience is a part of you in your own mind that judges the morality (the rightness or wrongness) of your own actions and makes you feel either good about the right things you have done or guilty about the wrong things that you have done. That guilt or shame yearns to be made right, and so directs its attention to wanting healing which comes by salvation in the Lord Jesus Christ.
It seems odd that the most intellectual of “scholars” on this planet cannot catch the simplicity of new birth and neither are attracted to the inner peace to all their tragic turmoil raging in restless souls trying to find “answers” to the mysteries of a God-created universe. Yes, scientific studies and achievements have fostered a great many life-saving gadgets and innovations, but cannot give life to the soul. So many live as the “walking dead”, physically fine, but spiritually blind and dead because they refuse to listen to their own conscience, humble their human spirit (or ego), and submit to the only authority who made their souls in the first place (1 Corinthians 2:14). He calls out, “Come to Me, all of you who carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest” (Matthew 11:30).
When one is ready to lay down his or her burden that weighs a soul down in vanity, emptiness, or shame and hears there’s a way to get rid of it once and for all, that’s when that split-second decision, that “bridge” to come to Christ transforms his or her inner being from death to life (John 5:24; Romans 8:6). And, like a light bulb which had never before functioned in the body, it is now “switched on”, switched from the darkness of wallowing in the sin of disbelief and other worldly sins (Galatians 5:19-21), to the light of holiness. This “switch” is called a new birth, a re-birth, or a born-again transformation. It is the greatest miracle to behold! Because, from this moment on, the person now lives in a new dimension of reality, a different realm of existence. Yes, his or her physical body remains functioning on earth, but his or her spirit-body (soul) has unlimited access to living the Kingdom of God culture in direct right relationship with the creator of all things, God the Father, His Son Jesus, and His Holy Spirit—a whole new ‘world’ bathed in God’s word and washed in God’s wonder and scrubbed into God’s perfect will unto eternal life once we "shuffle off this mortal coil (1).”
The soul is the seat of our emotions and thought processes. The new birth then transforms our way of thinking from carnal (or flesh-pleasing lust) to the mind of Christ and His conscience which is built on the foundation of love, love for who you are and love for others as creations of God. This unconditional love opens the believer to infinite possibilities or ways to change the environment around him or her in any field of academic endeavor pursued.
While the new birth experience is primarily to edify or build up the church, or true believers and worshippers of Christ Jesus, it is also to extend its power to building up our earthly environment as man was made steward over God’s created things. With the mind of Christ, our sociological relationships with each other across the global environment should equal or surpass the technological advancements of our societies because the peace Christ gives to the inner man surpasses all human understanding. And so it is and for of such that the Mentor-Teacher must first experience this transformation in order to educate the children and teens.
It is through Wholistic Christ-Centered Education that one can be guided to the place of peace where his or her mind can soar into academic and social excellence. In the video below, you will witness the Nursery school learners and the Lower Primary "mentor-teacher" who have been instructed in Wholistic Christ-Centered Education Curriculum designed and developed by the author of this blog. Here, we look at the literacy skills of writing in the learners at their tables and the public speaking skills of the mentor-teacher in a public community setting. In the classroom, the same early childhood nursery learners can read two and three-letter words with ease and speak them in grammatically and phonetically correct English language.
In order to grasp the concepts of this journey, the Mentor-Teacher must be able to speak the "language" with its essential vocabulary. Join us at Promised Gift Foundation Online Academy.

© 2024 by Patience Osei-Anyamesem. All rights reserved. Published by The Light In Me Enterprise. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means—electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording, or any other—without the prior written permission of the publisher. The only exception is brief quotations in printed reviews or other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.
Unless otherwise stated, all scripture quotations are from The New King James Version. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
From Shakepeare's Hamlet
The artwork depicted in the blog article is carefully selected to draw out the points made for healing of the soul, and by no means promote any ideologies from the various artists unless they are found in the center of God's perfect will.