Commit Your Calling to Good Use

Where you begin in life does not determine where you end. In other words, don’t count yourself among the unworthy to achieve greatness. The seed of greatness was planted in you the moment you were conceived. Your source of eternal life bears His genetic image. Since we know that God is so great, then greater is He in you than anything you face upon planet earth. And when you connect with your source of eternal life, you’re unstoppable in whatever good thing you are called to be and called to do.
Janice jumped out of her mother’s womb into a warm, welcoming loving home full of music and laughter, good food and fun folk. She thrived in that positive encouraging environment; and had every opportunity to achieve all her dreams. But after that one shocking summer vacation, she came back to Junior High public school wearing shadows of darkness, dressed solely in black jeans and black t-shirts, carrying a black bag, wearing black canvas shoes. Why did she throw off her pastel yellows and pinks and pearls?

Tragedy struck her life; and she couldn’t cope with the trauma. She rather buried her soul in the hole of despair and depression throwing all hope and belief in an awesome God into the pit of hell where she chose to reside . . . suicide. Yes, life sucks at times—the stress and the weight of the pressure to succeed and the problems that come with living on earth can spiral a soul atop waves of anxiety, rejection, and uncertainty, even in the richest of homes.

When you know what you are called to be and to do, there is only one choice you must make: Like a woman carrying her baby to its fullest term, you must commit to pushing out that dream, that goal, that vision God planted in your heart the moment you felt and heard that calling. Yes, the road, your way, to achievement will not be easy. There will be blunders, backstabbing and biting, boulders and bombs of discouragement. Commit your way to the Lord, Trust also in Him, and He shall bring it to pass (Psalm 37:5). Bring what to pass? The desires of your heart, your righteousness and your vindication (37:4,6). He will turn that tragedy into a testimony of your victory over pain. You are an overcomer. That’s what you are called to be.

That means, when you get in agreement with God, He will work everything out for your good to exalt the good you are doing as you obey your calling. Wow! This is the mystery of good success. It’s not about how much money you make. It’s about working the gifts (or talent) placed inside you to do good for society at large. As your light shines, it is a testimony that God exists and that He works on behalf of those who put their trust in Him and who love Him even when they don’t understand why bad things happen when you’re trying to do what is right and good. And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart (Galatians 6:9).

Let’s not get distracted with the “why?” and keep our head up in the direction He leads you. It is not God who does bad things to us. There are forces of evil and darkness in the principalities of air, water, fire, and land. Don’t be ignorant, dearly beloved. Satan’s work is to steal, kill, and destroy. But greater is He who created you and lives in you than he who is the world trying to steal your hope, kill your confidence to trust in the Lord, and destroy your dream.
When tragedy hits or trauma strikes and tosses you like a rag doll, put an end to it by calling out for help from God Almighty, get still, open and read His “Word of encouragement” in Psalm 121, run to a godly counselor (a parent, teacher, mentor, pastor), and listen to godly wisdom and instruction. God’s Word is the water that nourishes your seed and makes it mature into a fruitful “tree of righteousness”—doing what is right and good despite the opposition.

If you have nowhere else to turn, and you find yourself falling into dreadful pain and depression, contact us now. No need to end such a beautiful dream in your soul, or throw your soul to the whims of the devil. You are light, not darkness. You are blessed because you have inherited what Jesus has, the Holy Spirit and the love of a Great Father. So, don’t lose heart. Don’t give up!
Janice didn’t run to God. In raging anger and deep bitterness, she rather ran away from Him thinking He was the reason for her tragedy. No, God cannot destroy life. He creates life. He does not “let” bad things happen. Bad things happen because satanic forces prance upon those who commit to walk in the light. Sometimes, it’s our own human will that makes poor, or ungodly, choices which lead to bad outcomes. Be sober and be prayerful; in other words, keep your senses open to whatever is going on around you, but yearn to hear the voice of God directing your way, the paths (or decisions) you make about everything from what you’ll eat to the friends you’ll make, from the type of hair style you choose to the type of clothing and shoes you’ll wear. He cares about everything you go through; and wants to be involved in every choice your make.

Commit all your ways to the Lord, especially your calling; and despite all the hurdles you may face, fully trust that your heart’s desires, your righteousness, and your vindication will surely come to pass. Can we call on the Lord together right now? Dear Heavenly Father, I may not understand why bad things get in the way of our lives, but help me to trust that, no matter what I face, you have my back and are looking out for my good. I commit all my ways to You, Lord, trusting that as I put my calling to good use, you will meet me at the point of my every need, and help me to accomplish what You planted in my heart. In Jesus’ name I pray with thanksgiving. Amen.

© 2022 by Patience Osei-Anyamesem. All rights reserved. Published by The Light In Me Enterprise. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means—electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording, or any other—without the prior written permission of the publisher. The only exception is brief quotations in printed reviews or other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.
Unless otherwise stated, all scripture quotations are from The New King James Version. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
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