The Art of Love begins with loving who you are from the inside out. Loving yourself in an environment where people war--for positions, war for materials, war for survival--can begin to unravel where there is no security. Security is a place where you feel safe to express the real you without worry of rejection. For those of us who were born loving ourselves from day one, and have had encouragement and coaching to become the best people we can be, kudos. For the rest of us, can sometimes be an uphill battle to look into the mirror and like what we see, not because of anything you did, but just because the folks around you continually choked your sense of hearing with negative words to describe who you are without knowing the real you, the soul part of you.
Rejection without cause is most painful. It generates pools of insecurity and distrust for sharing a smile, a care, a kind word. When you smile, what’s reflected in the eyes of the receiver is: “What are you smiling for? Get out of my face!” When you show concern you receive the retort, “And how is this your business?” When you speak a kind word in the midst of a barrage of heated ones, you are slapped with, “Oh, shut up, what do you know?” or “Who do you think you are, too-know that’s who.” Insecurity wells up in your tears, because They reward me evil for good to the sorrow of my soul (Psalm 35:12).

Love is in your smile, in your concern, and in your words. But the world is so full of hatred that it hates the good in you. Hatred seeks to destroy all that is good—all that is worthy—in the soul who wants to love. Remember, the art of war feeds itself on intimidation, fear, vengeance, and lust for control. The Art of Love, on the contrary is sourced by the God of Love, Power, and Sound Mind (2 Timothy 1:7). Again, recall that you are who you worship (Blog: The Art of War – 4).
Almighty God knew you before you began in your mother’s womb; and gave you His breath of life once you exited nine months later. He is the keeper of your soul. He is the One who died to redeem you from war: that insecure dark place rooted in hatred. No one is born to hate. It is a conscious decision taken to hide one’s own insecurity, but in a cruel attempt to put out the same light of God’s goodness (freely inborn in all humanity) found in a fellow human being.

Yes, we are all created in Love. Where’s all the hate coming from? Hatred is sourced by the prince of darkness, the spirit of everything evil. Why is it so easy for people, young and old, to believe that dark spirits exist, but so profoundly rejected is any notion that a Spirit of Light and Love exist as well? The occult is full of millions of followers, yet Christianity today is viewed as an abominable religion—a detestable association to an invisible judgmental male God who hates homosexuality, fornication, gossiping, lying, stealing, backbiting, jealousies (read Galatians 5:19-22) and hates the media which glorifies all of these vices.

Christ Jesus has been given an evil report by His very own followers who have left their first love—that feeling, that knowing of how it felt when they first came to Christ. Agape love is experienced the instant you accept Jesus into your heart as the Lord of your life and Savior from all the pain your body and soul have ever experienced. Contemporary Christians have either forgotten that we all have made mistakes—walked in sin—at one time or another, or just simply ignore that new generations of souls are struggling to find that special place of security, which is supposed to be the Church—the spiritually called out ones who follow Christ, the Anointed One, the God of Love.
You are worthy, dearly beloved. Worthy is that special thing inside you that our Creator put into your soul even before you were born. God made everything good. He made your intentions good. He made your talents good. He made you in His image; and called it good (Genesis 1:31). Even though you may have thought, spoken, or done terrible things in the past, there is still a seed of what is worthy in you. Yes, it is the male that carries the seed of life (progeny), not the woman. Therefore, who can challenge that our Creator is our Father?
Your worthiness doesn’t vanish when you sin. It gets buried under the load of evil acts. Once you are ready to get rid of that heavy load, you are forgiven and all darkness in you is removed and replaced by forever-loving, everlasting light. You shine so brightly that those still in darkness can’t stand to look at you. That is why so much of their hatred is targeted at your love. Until they submit to the Light, you will always be a punching bag for the hater’s cruelty. So stop crying, and rejoice for the persecutions you face: Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness’ sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven (Matthew 5:10). Count it all joy when you fall into various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience. But let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing (James 1:2-4).

To those who are not following the Cross of Jesus, these words may sound heavy. But they are not. They simply mean that when you turn away from living a life in darkness, the spirit of darkness is going to come at you as best he can to spin you back into that lifestyle. Many are afraid to stop the sin they are in because they see no way out. There is only one way out of spiritual darkness, and that is to run toward spiritual light. Inside spiritual light is righteousness (being made right with God who dwells in heaven and in your heart). I am so sorry that true Christianity is getting distorted by many calling themselves Christian. A true Christian lives by 1 Corinthians 13 and is working on producing all the spiritual fruit of Galatians 5:22-23. Please, stop looking for the perfect person: He and She do not exist. Instead, look for the Christian who is being perfected by patience, and allow him or her to lead you toward the Light.
You are worthy—not worthless.
© 2022 by Patience Osei-Anyamesem. All rights reserved. Published by The Light In Me Enterprise. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means—electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording, or any other—without the prior written permission of the publisher. The only exception is brief quotations in printed reviews or other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.
Unless otherwise stated, all scripture quotations are from The New King James Version. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved.