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Getting Right with Me - 5

Writer's picture: thelightinmeentthelightinmeent

Updated: Oct 3, 2023

Are You Tired? BREAK OUT! with FAITH, HOPE, and LOVE

One definition of tire is “to begin to feel as if you have no energy and want to rest or go to sleep; or to make someone else feel this way.” And there are different degrees of tiredness: physical, emotional/mental, and spiritual. As discussed in my blog entitled The Alignment of Body, Soul, Spirit, when one of these parts of our being is off balance, it throws the other two parts off balance, and we find ourselves overwhelmed with grief or stress or frustration or confusion, then depression; in another word, just plain tired!

The youth, both school-aged and professional lament: “I’m tired of hearing you say the same negative things about me. Can’t you find anything good to say?” “I’m tired of teachers/employers discouraging me in a place where I need to feel appreciated. Can’t you say, ‘Well done’, every now and then?” “I’m tired of living like this. Lord, can’t I get money somehow to improve my lifestyle? I hate poverty!”

And the married weep: “I’m tired of you not willing to understand me and to help me get through our troubles as a married couple. Can’t you come to me when you’re upset and not go out to your relatives and friends to talk about us?” “I’m tired of struggling, of having to prove my worth, of dealing with people who don’t understand me, of this, of that, of . . . .” I AM TIRED!

And to add to the definition of tire, we have its extreme version called weary which means “to be very tired, especially after working hard for a long time; or to make someone else feel very tired.”

In both descriptions of the words tire and weary, we notice that:

1. We can allow ourselves to feel as if we have no more energy for the task in front of us; and

2. We can allow others to make us feel as if we have no more energy for the task in front of us.

Well, if that’s the case, then we have two solutions to our problem of tiredness or weariness:

1. We must allow ourselves to BREAK OUT!, of the situation facing us and rest for a while; and 2. We must not allow others to get into our central processing system (inner being) to cause physical, emotional/mental, or spiritual disturbances.

Easier said than done, huh?

So many books have been written and words spoken regarding how to release stress, anxiety and to get back on your feet and push forward. I have read many of these motivational books and have taken to heart the pastors and motivational speakers who give me great encouragement.

But the one thing I’ve discovered is if you don’t want to make a move to come out of being tired and weary, the devil has a marvelous way of keeping you in it. His weapons are called apathy and laziness. Satan uses these weapons to keep us down in the dark pit of tiredness and weariness by making us feel we do not have the strength and determination, the power, to come out, to BREAK OUT!, of the despair we feel when we are tired.

Apathy can be defined as the “I Give Up!” spirit. Those who quit when the going gets tough find themselves no longer caring about a person, a problem, or a plan. They have lost HOPE (the strong feeling that something good can happen). Laziness can be defined as the “I Paralyze You!” spirit. It forces us to go numb in our thinking and in our doing. We stop thinking about ways to be and to do better and settle in our mediocre (under-achieving) surroundings, starving in poverty, and envying (even hating) those who are taking charge over the same or similar issues we are facing. FAITH is lost.

How do the overcomers do it?

It takes great strength, hard work and sheer undistracted conscientious concentration, perseverance and persistence to BREAK OUT! of weariness. And it is humanly impossible to do it. That is why we must call upon the Lord of LOVE to help us destroy the fear of losing (1 John 4:18). Stop trying to do this thing on your own, dear brother. Stop crying through the deafening darts of defeat, dear sister. YOU CAN’T DO IT ALONE.

Have you not known? Have you not heard? The everlasting God, the Lord, The Creator of the ends of the earth, Neither faints nor is weary. His understanding is unsearchable. He gives power to the weak, And to those who have no might He increases strength. Even the youths shall utterly fall, . . .

But those who wait on the Lord

Shall renew their strength;

They shall mount up with wings like eagles,

They shall run and not be weary,

They shall walk and not faint.

(Isaiah 40:28-31)

YOU MUST CALL ON THE NAME OF JESUS! “Lord, I am so tired! I can’t do this anymore. I’ve tried in so many ways to get their approval, to be appreciated, to be loved.” And the Lord says, Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. (Matthew 11:28) He watches over us waiting for us to ask Him to come into our situation and give us the rest, the peace, the alignment or balance, the stability we need to meet the challenges before us. YOU CAN’T OVERCOME TIREDNESS OR WEARINESS WITHOUT THE STRENGTH, WISDOM, OR THE REST YOU NEED FROM AND IN THE LORD.

Daniel in the lions' den (Daniel 6:22)

When negative accusations rise up and float all around you, the Lord will send someone to come and commend you. When you are lost in a situation and can’t find your way out, the Lord will create an atmosphere where you will prosper and others will look to you for your ideas which will be the very solution they seek for the problem at hand.

You are one of a kind, brethren. We are a peculiar people, a chosen generation. CHOSEN to handle the matters of the day. We are given the tools to face and to overcome our circumstances because Jesus is in us.

Jesus in the fiery furnace (Daniel 3:23-25)

The antidote to apathy is concern—what do you care about? Do you care about your husband, wife, children, home expenses, school fees, your future schooling, career, relationships? Do you care about your soul and where it will live after your body turns to dust? Find what you care about, then get up, dust off your self-pitying thoughts, and ask the Lord to give you the idea, the plan, the way to BREAK OUT! of your prison of laziness—the inability to work hard at achieving your goals and dreams.

Yes, we shall become tired and weary at times because life is a constant battle. Satan is not dead. But he can be conquered if only you MAKE A CHOICE TO SHAKE THE DEVIL OFF and put on the Armor of God (read Ephesians 6:10-18). THE BATTLE IS NOT YOURS; IT’S THE LORD’S! And once you make a move to BREAK OUT!, the Lord will lead the way, back you up and cover you on all sides. This is the antidote to laziness—making a move to break out, to remove yourself, to leave, to let go and to let God.

I depend on God alone. I put my hope in Him. He alone protects and saves me; He is my Defender, and I shall never be defeated.

(Psalm 62:5-6, ESV)

He builds your FAITH as you put your trust in Him.

(Psalm 118:8)

Find rest, O my soul, in God alone; my hope comes from Him. He alone is my rock and my salvation; He is my fortress, I will not be shaken.

(Psalm 62:5-6, NIV)

He waters your HOPE as you enter into His promises.

(Isaiah 54:17)


Dear Jesus,

I feel like bursting! It’s like I’m wrapped in rubber and I need a sharp sword to burst it loose. My sword is my prayer. Help me to get up and PUSH!—PRAY UNTIL SOMETHING HAPPENS! Oh Father in Heaven, I need your PUSH! Get me out of this mess I’m in, and turn it round for my good: this sickness, this money matter, my shaky marriage, my children in need of school fees, my wayward adolescent, this unfulfilling, boring job. I need better relationships, oh Lord. I’m tired, so tired of fighting for a way out. COME INTO MY SITUATION RIGHT NOW! Satan, get out of my way—in the name of Jesus! Loose satanic strongholds over my life, Lord, now!

I am FREED IN JESUS! Oh Lord, take my hand and lead me out this suffocating darkness and into the light of my solutions, the answers to my problems with your favour and mercy. I need you, Lord, every hour, every minute, every second, every day, to mount up with wings like an eagle, soaring and conquering and glorifying You. Amen and Amen and Amen.

Special Note: Don’t stop praying, dear Christian. Prayer is your number one weapon to destroy apathy and laziness. And no one can pray this kind of prayer for you. YOU MUST PRAY FOR YOUR OWN BREAK-OUT AND BREAK-THROUGH. You must talk to the Lord like a father, a friend, a partner for life; everyday. And you must eat the seeds He plants in you so that you will bear His fruits (Read Galatians 5:22-23). Just as the body needs fruit to stay healthy with a strong fighting immune system, so too does the Spirit in you need God’s fruit to stay alive, active and sharper than a two-edged sword cutting down every evil spiritual stronghold satan tries to erect around your life’s blessings. Stay watered in God’s Word. He loves you.

© 2017, 2023 by Patience Osei-Anyamesem. All rights reserved. Published by The Light In Me Enterprise. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means—electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording, or any other—without the prior written permission of the publisher. The only exception is brief quotations in printed reviews or other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.

Unless otherwise stated, all scripture quotations are from The New King James Version. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

The artwork depicted in the blog article is carefully selected to draw out the points made for healing of the soul, and by no means promote any ideologies from the various artists unless they are found in the center of God's perfect will.

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